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Gerlach Knife Comparison - April 2024

1 Best Gerlach Knife In the UK

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Gerlach G02-991AM-ZENB-05PU-S2S1-01 Set of The Kitchen Knives in Block Deco-G02-991AM-ZENB-05PU-S2S1-01, Stainless Steel




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Here are the top 1 recommended products with more information to help you find the right product for you
  • 9.9

    Gerlach G02-991AM-ZENB-05PU-S2S1-01 Set of The Kitchen Knives in Block Deco-G02-991AM-ZENB-05PU-S2S1-01, Stainless Steel

    Why we love it

    The knives are easy to choose with the characteristic symbols.
    The Deco Black knives are perfect for cutting meat, bread, vegetables, or fruit.
    The 991A Deco Black line is made of high quality X50CrMoV15 stainless steel.
    Main highlights
    • The set is available with a block of beech wood. It will perfectly match the decor of any kitchen. To make Gerlach kitchen knives enjoy their reliability and beautiful appearance as long as possible, we recommend washing them by hand.
    • The 991A Deco Black line is made of the highest quality X50CrMoV15 stainless steel with the addition of chromium (increases corrosion resistance), molybdenum (reduces steel fragility) and vanadium (increases resistance to abrasion).
    • Thanks to the characteristic symbols, the choice is extremely simple and quick. Deco Black knives are perfect, whether you need to cut meat, bread, vegetables or fruit. Perfect sharpness ensures precision and ease of use.
    • Five knives are available in the line with different functions depending on the finish and size. They will work great when chopping tomatoes, chopping lettuce, or cutting meat. The kit includes: chef's knife 8" (20 cm), bread knife 8" (20 cm), universal 8" (20 cm) kitchen knife, universal 5" (12.5 cm) kitchen knife, Vegetable knife 4" (10 cm).
    • An ergonomic, non-slip handle made of durable ABS plastic has been introduced into the model. All knives from the Deco Black line have auxiliary symbols on the handle that indicate the function of a particular tool.

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